Tuesday, 23 May 2023



Medulla oblongatea

Medulla oblongata is responsible for the respiration process in the humen brain. involantary action is the main function. Heart beat is also controlled by the oblongata. Bottom part in the humen brain. it's connected to the notocode of the brain and ponse.


Adrinalin is the hormon that the exreted by the Adrinal gland it's situated on the kidney. It's devided into adrinal cortex and medulla. it is the Emergancy hormon, nor adrinalin is produced by the medulla. corticol, corticosterol are by the cotex. The gland is an Endocrine gland. the study of hormon is called endocrinology.


Thiroxin need iodin to have it's function. Enlargement of the gland by the deficiany of iodin is called goiter. Critanicam is caused by the thiroid gland malfunction in child. and mixadima is mainly shown in the adult's. The largest gland is thiroid.

Gravitational lensing

Gravitational lensing is the lensing of the light in the field of gravity of sun and other stars. When the light form a distent star pass through the premeses of sun the light bends slightly cause of the gravity of the sun the star. the process of the bending is called as Gravitaional lensing.


Computer is a mechine That can reseve input form Mouse, Keyboard, Alexa, Scanner, Photo camera, Mobile phone and so on and process and store the data,Process and give output. By processing the data It can manipulate It and present It as readeble by humens. Computer can think. Calculate, Play game. binary circutes are circutes that can show simple maths like true or false and yes or no. Decimal system is derived from the binary system. Consist of zero to nine form the Indo Arabic numer. AND and NAND circute can make a 8 bit circute. It can calculate simple aditions and its done by a Adder made up of the above circute. Compaining the circutes we can add devide and even store the data.

Monday, 22 May 2023

General knowledge 02



Excavation site found new sward and its of female. excavation found in the valley with chariots. The women where power full in that time. We also find gold, pots and silver. Farmers found copper object in the valley. There was a helmet and charriot in the valley. Ganga and yamuna are the two river like ufrids tigris.

The grand design

stephan howkings is a physisist. finding the mistory of hte unverse. finding the depest secrets and here is the grand design. Newton was radical thinker. The grand design explains why. The force and gravity are the fundametal think. The new Invention called Electromagnetic induction was a movement in the field. Speed of light is also equal to the speed of electromagnetic wave. The prof is that light is also an electromagnetic wave. In the ninteenth sentuary another discovery was found. Eather is the medium between the sun and earth. An eather wave is formed in the movement of the earth. Theoritical physics is a branch in physics. The ligt wave did not find the lumen effect.

67 thousand miles per hour the earth is revolving around the sun.

secrets of sinauli

Copper and borns are found in the vally. Sward was excavated in the vally. Gold discoverd in the vally, The sward was for burrying the body. The body was of female and the sward was with them In the harappan area female also have wepons in there hand.

groth mind set

If child engaged in a spacific activity we will find a groth mind set.

how to grow your brain

In our brain the cells work to give out put , made up of neurons. one hundread billion neuron. Intalegence can change , like any other living think it grows in the video at birth the child have less connction. after the age of six the neurons have more connection. 

Tutan ghaman

The tomb was escavated, When the pharaoh passes away he took five thousand object to defeat the dark forces. Grand egiption musciam, he was mumified . The mummy is also burry with gold tiny mummy of his childs and womens. Womans are protecters in the time of tutan ghaman. Found evidance that the mummy with child in the tomb. The process of making the tomb is with the help of grinding the brick. Making the brick shiny is the first part is making the piramid.

They look more feminin in the picture cause is small and child like image. The ear knobe is visible. Head rest is of woman. Who was she. The tutan khaman is a female pharaoh [ As per the data he is a man ]. The egiption autofact shows with damage. Memory of the queen says one god is the truth. Mistory women is an autofact found in the tomb explains he do have family. 



The leader of the egiptions, established solar calender and time measure. Started civil engineering and new language the odest is hiroglifics used for cerimonial pourpose and some are in hiradic and is for common men. pirus plant and pirus leaf are used to make paper. Persian Empire attacked the land and consistant attack make the empire to fall. 




Copper Smelting


Copper Smelting

The mined copper is crushed,grinted, floted , wash with water and compressed air are make the ore into fraction.

The rosted product, calcine, serves as a dried and heated charge for the smelting furnace. Smelting of roasted or unroasted ore produce matte, a molten mixture of copper sulfide,Iron sulfied and some heavy metals.

General knowledge



The K_smart project is a massive transformation of service delivery to the rural from the urban population. The thiruvananthapuram coorparation will start a pilot program to start the Project.

Amrit Udyan (Mughal Gardens)

The rashrtapati Bhavan gardens, popularly known as the Mughal Gardans, was renamed Amrit Udyan on Saturday .On the sevety fifth year of Indipendence the name has changted to amrit udyan, said the Presidents correspondant. The garden is fifteen acres and consist of both mugal and English styles.

State in a financial crisis

Key fiscal indicators point to a precarious (dipendant on control)dipendant to other factors. the debit liabilities have soared to approximately four lakh crore, according to the documents by the Oppocition lader.

Sinking island

national center for Earth science studies has revealed anthropogenic interventions as the main reson for the plight of munroe Thuruthu. The Island is a climate refugee in the state of kerala.

Tree and the Sprituality


Tree and the Sprituality

We reap exactly as we sow. Sathan will do what he can but we do need faith in god. Our sins will be forgiven by the Allmighty.

Buying watch can be in diffrent ways, like pay by cash, by rent, and as a gift. In the Article a Man have tool to attack and he attack the land with friends and relatives but the Land loads fight back and Thay attacked back to the attacker in his house in the Day.

Our brother stole some thing and we caught him with bloody hands. Normaly we do kill him first and then go to jail. Insted we would rathar Inform the police and convince him that he do a criminal job. I do not wish to reduce from this that robbers will act in the above manner or that all will have the same pity and love like you. So be pitty on them. We are in the arms of God.




Shape of Earth is geoid in nature the shape is round but many suggest to have it as geoide. It is also a irregular parabolic shape that is with referance to the usgs. Earth do have rotaion on its axis and Revolution around the sun. The angle of deviation from the sun causes seasonal changes to earth. In december the Winter season comes to the Norther hemisphear and in the southern hemispear It will be Summer. In march the Spring season is covering the Northern hemispear. Autom is also in the month of march in Southern hemispear. In september Autome in Northern hemispear and Spring in Southen hemispear.


Latitude is a line from the center of the earth to the outer region of the Earth. Lines are also called as Parrells of lattitue. The top and bottom potion of the earth is also called as axis. Center part of the Earth is calld as Equater.

Tropic of cancer is in the top of the Equator and it is twenty three degree and five minute to the north . Tropic of capricone is Twenty three degree and five minute to the South. Artic circle and antartic circle are sixty six degree and five minute . North and south pole are ninty degree from the center of the pendrive.

Indian civil service part 06


Green revolution

The growth of technology in the field of agriculture is called green revolution. It was started in the year ninteen fifty and ends in the year ninteen sixty.

In the third BC Ashoka the king of india spread budha phelosophy in the vally of Kashmir majour part of the Indus civilisation is from this area.The land area of this jammu and kashmir is about 2,22,236 sq km. With appropriate population of 1.25cr jammu and kashmir is devided into 22 districts in 2019. State flower of kashmeer is lotous. In 2009 the right to information act come in force in the area. IPC and RBI is not applicable in this state as by the aggerment with javaharlal neharu. littracy rate in this land mass is 68.74.


The state of Thiripura is connected with the rest of India is by only one road ( NH 44). The major river of the state are houra,gomathi,deo,muhuri.The amjor agriculture activity is lime and orange litch,pinapple. Capital of the state is agarthala. literacy rate of the state of thripura is eightyseven.

Language is manipoori and bangla thripuri is the main language of the state. Dance of the state is Chirav, khullum. the date of formation of the state is ninteen eighty seven.




Priyaar wildlife sanctuary Started in the year 1950. Chinnar wild life sanctuary was Started in the year 1984. Pariyar Tiger reserve was Started in the year 1978. Wayanad wildlife sanctuary Started in the year 1973. Mangalavanam Bird sanctuary Started in the year 2004. Parambikulam Tiger reserveStarted in the year 1973. Shendureny wildlife sanctuary Started in the year 1984. Agasthyamala biosphere reserve Started in the year 2002

Some Peace keepers of the world


Khan abdul gafer khan Also non as Border gandhi,Badshaghan. Indipendent activist, Against colonial empire in indian subcontenent. Bihar gandhi is Dr ragandra prasad (1884-1963) an indian freedom activist and politetion. Ireland gandhi John hume Was an irish nationalist politition and Peace process of the Natinal movement of Ireland. Kerala gandhi is K kalappan Bone in 1889 was an Indipendent activist and politetion of national movement. Delhi gandhi is C krishnan nayar bone in the year 1902 was an indian politetion and congress activist a gandhiyan and who participated in the salt sathyagraha march Of 1930.

Sreelankan gandhi Arya rathna. Berman gandhi is Angsang suki and Served as state state counsilour of myanmar. She is a burmese politetion,auther and a 1991 nobel peace prize winner. Germen gandhi is Gerald fisher. Check gandhi is Vaklav havel he was a czech states man and former dissident who served as a last Presedent of czechoslovakia. Nelson mandala is also non as southafrican gandhi. Mayyazhigandhi is "I k kumaran master". He is the freedom fighter of india in kerala. Mayyazhi is also called as mahi. He fight against the france and got freedom from france in 1954.





Grammer make the sentence more readable and it give the sentance more depth. letters make words and group of words with meaning is called sentance. there are diffrent sentances thay are Impiritive/ Assertive sentance, Introgative sentance, Diclarative sentance and Exclamatory sentance.

Impiritive sentance

orders are basicaly Imperitive sentance. To buy a watch we order the alexa that, "Alexa, buy a casio watch" and its not like "alexa, will you please buy a casio watch for me ?".

Introgative sentance

The sentance that make question is called Introgative sentance.

Diclarative sentance

the sentance That declair some thing is calld declarative sentance. " I am going to London" is an example of diclarative sentance.

Exclamatory sentance

The sentance that give suden feeling is called the exclamatory sentance. " I won Honkong jackpot" , " I got A+ in mathamatics".

Indian civil service part 05


The European Invasion

Portugese are the first europians To come to India. The Objactive is to start Business with the nation. Western people like vascode gama started to make an Empire in kerala. They stared making empire in kerala. Samuthiri and Kolathiri where enemy and they used the situation. In forteen ninteen eight gama landed kappad In kozhicode. Kolathiri and gama started a business smart contract . The king of Portugese Pedro Álvares Cabral send another business man ( isis koria), Portugese kill some arabs and counterary Kozhikod kill the potugese. After the war the kochi king reseve the portugese. They started making some political movement. In fifteen not two gama came for the second time.


Puna Pact

Communal award was an award that tells the people of india that thay can have seperate electeral collage even if thay are low class or untuchables.

The policy was a british policy and it was against india's will. It was the stratagy of the british government that devide and rool in the indian sub continent. BR ambadkar was supporive of the act that the act needed for the people of india that it will stangthen the democrazy. But M.K gandhi was against the act that it will reduce the unity of india and started the sathyagraha and the act abolished by the government authority.


Indian civil service part 04



Parliament is a word orginated in france. Parliament can make law under the Constitution. National peoples congress in china is the largest of parliaments. Parliament get the right to make law is from the Constitution. Indian parliament is the Parliament consist of loksabha, rajya sabha and president. Loksabha, rajyasabha and the presedent is the structure of the parliament. President is the authority to start and end the parliament. Left hand side is for the Opposition. Dada bhay navaroji is the Indian how got membership in the UK parliament. Name of the Indian parliament is "sansad bhavan". 606


rajya sabha is the upper House of parliament. The colour of the carpet is red in rajya sabha. Totel seat in the rajya sabha is nine for the state of Kerala. Total strength of rajya sabha is 250. Total population of rajya sabha is 245 and president can nominate 12 people including from the field of the Art, literature, Science, Social service. The first chair man of rajya sabha is "dr S radhaa krishnan". The first malayali in the rajya sabha is kr narayanan. 467


Lower house of the parliament the colour of carpet of the house is green. The strength of the house is 552 and current population is 545 two angloindian can be nominated by the president of india. The minimum age for becoming the member of the lower house is 25 years. There are three types of bills in the parlement thay are ordianry bill, money bill and Financial bill. Ordinary bill will read three time in the parlement. Money bill is the coming under the "article 110". Zero hour time to ask questions in the parliament and with out any notice. 556




Sex raio in this Stat is 829/1000. Agriculture is the basic income as well as tourisam, villo tree in this state is used for making cricket bat. Shakahamadulla leader in this state is called the lion of kashmir. Raja hari sing is the last king of this state.

kashmir, One of the virgin land of india now devided into half one as union teritory and other as state. It is famous for its flowering plants and spacial form of dance Rouff. in the third BC Ashoka the king of india spread budha phelosophy in the vally of Kashmir majour part of the Indus civilisation is from this area.

The land area of this jammu and kashmir is about 2,22,236 sq km. With appropriate population of 1.25cr jammu and kashmir is devided into 22 districts in 2019.

State flower of kashmeer is lotous. In 2009 the right to information act come in force in the area. IPC and RBI is not applicable in this state as by the aggerment with javaharlal neharu. littracy rate in this land mass is 68.74. 


Stone age

Bheem batka is the first place in India that tells about the Ancient civilization. the first people of the land is called the negrito people. mortimer veeler explains that the sindhu civilisation is out run by the Aryans from the north. Sindhu is also described in the Vadas that the river that help the civilisation to grow and flurish. There are people how have bufellow and donkeys and carts. rice wheet and ragi are the main sorce of food in the land mass.


Jumpa dweep

The place that is called as the land Jumpa dweep. lower paliolithik age middle paliolithik age and upper paliolithic age are the three milestons in the indian history.lower paliolithic age is sohan, balan vally. bhimbatka is the place that have historical value in the lower paliolithic age. middle paliolithic age is the age that is also called as mesolethic age. narmada and thungabhadra and sohan vally do have the clues that the people of the land also lived in the age of mesolithic people.



Indian civil service part 03



Phagosytosis is the engulfment of or bulk movement of food particles and other thinks to the cell. Some fluid is also getting in the vacoule is called as pinocytosis and both are compained to form the endocytosis. 216


Exocytosis is the process of getting the newly formed besicle that contain water and waste to the out side of the cell. It is vesicle trafficing as per the wileydot com. 173


The power of an atom in a molicule to attract electrons to itself. Linaus Pauling "The nature of Chemical Bond". A non polar covalent bond and polar covalant bond are diffrent vause of polar co valant bond do have partial negative charge. The tendancy of an electron to be free from bonds. 291


Atom is undevidable and it can view only on Electron microscope. Helium is One angstrom.Probability distribution can be found in the case of atom. Do have Neutron , Proton and Electron. 188

Cellular Respiration

ATP is formed by the combination of ADP and a Phosphate group. ATPase relese energy in the reaction with Phosphate group. Cellular respiration is the formation of energy from the Glucose.With one mole of glucose and Three mole of Oxigen we can produce six mole of carbon and six mole of water and energy.

Indian civil service Part 02



Cyanobactria, Earths atmosphear was with out Oxigen in between Two - Three million years this bacteria make Oxigan with the help of photosynthasis. Blue green pigment help to synthasis oxigen. Population of bacteria and Incressed and all life of other dead cause of over oxigen consentration. The Oxigen concentration incress in the atmosphear is also called as the time of Oxigen bombing time. methain was a green house gass but the Overoxigen cause production of carbon dioxide. The methain react with the Oxigen to form Carbon di oxide, Afer some millanium Oxigen leavel reach the twenty one persentage and more complex form of Life. Endosymbiosis occuared and internal Photosynthasis. This type of cell became plants. 728

Caffeine and Humen body

Caffeine is a adinosin Incressing chemical. No glycongen is stored in the Body and become more active. Brain signaling will be less if we do not use caffeine. It can also boost Dopamin in the cell. Adinosin resepters are Innumarable so there will be no effect to the caffeine in the body so we need to have more caffeine. Six thousand years ago the Tea was cultivated in china. 379


The power of an atom in a molicule to attract electrons to itself. Linaus Pauling "The nature of Chemical Bond". A non polar covalent bond and polar covalant bond are diffrent vause of polar co valant bond do have partial negative charge. The tendancy of an electron to be free from bonds. 291


Atom is undevidable and it can view only on Electron microscope. Helium is One angstrom.Probability distribution can be found in the case of atom. Do have Neutron , Proton and Electron. 188

Cellular Respiration

ATP is formed by the combination of ADP and a Phosphate group. ATPase relese energy in the reaction with Phosphate group. Cellular respiration is the formation of energy from the Glucose.With one mole of glucose and Three mole of Oxigen we can produce six mole of carbon and six mole of water and energy.

Indian civil service part 01

 Indian civil service is a permenent executive branch of India. Warren Hastigs made the Idea of Civil service. Father of this service is Cornwallis. The vision of sardar patel is became the Modern Civil service. The Legislatures are elected by the people on the bases of universal adult franchise. Policy of the Institutiion is to carry out the administrative work for the ministerial staff.


Ecology is the study of organisams and how they interact with the environment around them ( National geopraphic ). The word ecology is a Greek word eco is house and logy is study. It is the study of organisam and relationship among living organisms including humans and their physical envionment. The term “ecology” was coined by the German zoologist, Ernst Haeckel, Describe as the “economies” of living forms ( plato stanford ). ecology is the branch of science concerned with the interrelationship of organisms and their envionments. 



Saraswathi samman

Saraswathi samman puraskaram is the award by central government. The lattest winner of the award is Ramdaesh mishra for the poetry colletion "I am here". In two thousand twenty Sharanakumar Limbale, In the year two thousand nineteen - Vasdev mohi. In nineteen ninety one harivamshray batchan won the award. In nineteen ninety two ramakanth rath won the award. Vijay thandulkar won the award in the year ninety ninety three. Harbhajan singh won the award in the year nineteen ninety four. Balamaniyamma poet won the saraswathi samman the year nineteen ninety five for the work nivadyam. Shamsoor rahman farokh won the prize in the year nineteen ninety six. Manubhay panjoli won the prize in the yearnineteen ninety seven. 729

Jagannath Prasad Das won the award in the year two thousand six. Naiyer Masud reseve the award in the year two thousand seven. Lakshmi Nandan Bora In the year two thousand eight. Surjit Paatar won the prize in the year two thousand nine. S.L. Bhyrappa win the samman in the year two thousand ten. A. A. Manavalan win the saraswathi samman in the year two thousand eleven. Sugathakumari teacher in the year two thousand and twelve. Govind Mishra win the puraskar in the year two thousand threarty. Veerappa Moily BNC two thousand fourteen. 546


Padma Sachdev win the award in the year two thousand fifty. M. Sail is awarded the samman in the year two thousand sixteen. Sitanshu Yashaschandra win the award in thousand seventeen. shiva reddy win the award in the year two thousand eighteen.


Basic computer knowledge

Basic computer knowledge includes how to use a computer and how it works. It can help you complete everyday tasks and be more productive ...