Monday, 22 May 2023

General knowledge



The K_smart project is a massive transformation of service delivery to the rural from the urban population. The thiruvananthapuram coorparation will start a pilot program to start the Project.

Amrit Udyan (Mughal Gardens)

The rashrtapati Bhavan gardens, popularly known as the Mughal Gardans, was renamed Amrit Udyan on Saturday .On the sevety fifth year of Indipendence the name has changted to amrit udyan, said the Presidents correspondant. The garden is fifteen acres and consist of both mugal and English styles.

State in a financial crisis

Key fiscal indicators point to a precarious (dipendant on control)dipendant to other factors. the debit liabilities have soared to approximately four lakh crore, according to the documents by the Oppocition lader.

Sinking island

national center for Earth science studies has revealed anthropogenic interventions as the main reson for the plight of munroe Thuruthu. The Island is a climate refugee in the state of kerala.

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Basic computer knowledge

Basic computer knowledge includes how to use a computer and how it works. It can help you complete everyday tasks and be more productive ...