Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Basic Study Techniques


The inability to assimilate written material quickly and a general unwillingness to read at all are major weaknesses among managers so that the written word has come to be ignored as a source of learning (Hawdon Hague). Here the Idea to remember and Technique of reading is cancelled cause of the time limit. It is often assumed that if an individual uses a technique such as underling, Outlining or Summarizing while studying that he will learn more than if he studied without such activity.(The effect of study techniques on comprehension and retention). But its not some techniques that can make us smart, read only the content. Location(Place) and time is impotent for study. Study everyday and plan the day using the calendar. Google Calendar is a good way to start. Read, Review, Recite take brake and have some water and food. Stay motivated and "ask for help every time". Spaced practice and Spaced repetition is a method used to study and as the name says we take brake in between the Process of grasping some think. Its as Simple as "Study and have a brake". After some time we study and repeats till the end of what we need to complete. Pomodoro method is also good. In the Method work for twenty five minute and have a brake of five minute. Repeat the process.

Memory palace


The technique is used to memorize Image. Imagine a palace pick 15 spots in the palace and if you are studying zoology imagine a kingfisher,peacock,tiger and elephant In Each room of the palace recall the image after some time from the memory. This is also a visualization technique. Memory palace can give a visual image and remain in the memory for a long time. It is basically worked in Visual people.

Feynman technique

There are four steps in the Feynman technique Learning by teaching they are write down the topic, teach the topic, Review what you know, Explain the topic to kids. Technique will help to understand the idea that you don't get. Will help to long term memory. First we need a Consent to choose wright the topic in the center of the paper. Pretend that you are teaching some one like a kid. Writing the idea will help easy to explain the subject. If stuck go to the book and review the topic and teach the same way and again if stuck the book is there to help you. Simplifying the topic can give more depth. It reduces the confusion.

Mind mapping

It's the technique to memorize the data more interestingly we can visualize the data like a spider web. in the web we can right note. Mind map is a map that help to arrange the memory from the tenth standard to the Exam time. There are software that help to mind map and one of them is mind mapping. It is an Idea making tool also. It is a kingship and surrounded by the people and the Authority is the king he is the Idea of the Polity. It can used for Planning, Brainstorming, Note taking in a Lecture.



Method help to study the data with less time and the techniques can help the student to use the basic 4R read, reflect recite and review. There is six stage. It's Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite and Review .

Preview & Question


Preview the chapter and get an idea about the content of the chapter. first look over the content of the Table(Table of content), skim through the chapter like a quick survey. read the chapter summary, Finally decide how much we want to study for the time we are working. After the Preview of the chapter we need to ask some questions about the topic that we covered some think like what is the content ,Index and main headings and the Abstract (summary) of the content. what is telling in the paragraph and why its telling and where its happening when and who and how the paragraph is formed and the word if any that we don't know. 

Read, Reflect & Recite


Take time and understand the key points of the content. To find the meaning use the dictionary and glossary of the same book. Did I understand the material is the question that we need to ask if we are going to reflect the material. Reciting will improve the brain in different way like repetition can lead to long term memory. Recite to check the content is there in the brain after the deep study of some time will help to improve the memory.



There is some difference between the review and recite . Recite will only go above the surface and it will not go to, details of the content

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