Monday, 22 May 2023

Indian civil service part 03



Phagosytosis is the engulfment of or bulk movement of food particles and other thinks to the cell. Some fluid is also getting in the vacoule is called as pinocytosis and both are compained to form the endocytosis. 216


Exocytosis is the process of getting the newly formed besicle that contain water and waste to the out side of the cell. It is vesicle trafficing as per the wileydot com. 173


The power of an atom in a molicule to attract electrons to itself. Linaus Pauling "The nature of Chemical Bond". A non polar covalent bond and polar covalant bond are diffrent vause of polar co valant bond do have partial negative charge. The tendancy of an electron to be free from bonds. 291


Atom is undevidable and it can view only on Electron microscope. Helium is One angstrom.Probability distribution can be found in the case of atom. Do have Neutron , Proton and Electron. 188

Cellular Respiration

ATP is formed by the combination of ADP and a Phosphate group. ATPase relese energy in the reaction with Phosphate group. Cellular respiration is the formation of energy from the Glucose.With one mole of glucose and Three mole of Oxigen we can produce six mole of carbon and six mole of water and energy.

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