Monday, 22 May 2023




Shape of Earth is geoid in nature the shape is round but many suggest to have it as geoide. It is also a irregular parabolic shape that is with referance to the usgs. Earth do have rotaion on its axis and Revolution around the sun. The angle of deviation from the sun causes seasonal changes to earth. In december the Winter season comes to the Norther hemisphear and in the southern hemispear It will be Summer. In march the Spring season is covering the Northern hemispear. Autom is also in the month of march in Southern hemispear. In september Autome in Northern hemispear and Spring in Southen hemispear.


Latitude is a line from the center of the earth to the outer region of the Earth. Lines are also called as Parrells of lattitue. The top and bottom potion of the earth is also called as axis. Center part of the Earth is calld as Equater.

Tropic of cancer is in the top of the Equator and it is twenty three degree and five minute to the north . Tropic of capricone is Twenty three degree and five minute to the South. Artic circle and antartic circle are sixty six degree and five minute . North and south pole are ninty degree from the center of the pendrive.

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