Friday, 1 September 2023

Sree Chakram

The sree chakra is a tantric chakra that gives mukthi to the worshiper. It consist of a dot that reprsents the god or the diaty that we are worshiping. A circle that is Aura of the God. Squre represents the surroundings that is connected with the diaty. Dore of the Temple is of East as per the Vastu. A large circle is surrounding the sree chakra represents the holder of the Upword and down word Triangles. This triangles represents the earth and Akasha elements. In sree chakra there are four upword triangles and three down word triangles. There are eight petteled lotus and sixteen peteled lotus. The chakra coverd in a tantric lock that looks like a wall. It also protected by the one hundread and eight spokes that circle the Wall. Yanthra can be made in Metal,Wood,Rock and even in sand. Life of the chakra is of five to fifty years.

The chakra gives the devotee the ability to communicate with the devata. The chakra it self can help to study about self and devas. There is some problem in the chakra that it can be a negeative energy source if unattend. The chakra can attract bad sprits, Gosts and Demons. The chakra can kill one how do not understand the potancial of the energy that thay are dealing with. Devi mukambika was on the chair of Sree chakra in the sence that it is of highest knowledge. Yanthram can help in diffrent situation that it can cure desease, bring wealth, health, Asteral communication, Love and Conciousness.

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