Monday, 27 November 2023

Gost fual

Gost fual

The knoledge we have is little , from the ainciant alian scrice we got some information about what alians are and how are ghost from the fairy tails. If both are the same and all the gost story is made to make a fear to have the resource. The Ghost in all film eats and drink humens that is not of Alian orgin cause the civilisation do speak and do sex. In the spacial cause the extratreastrials have an Infulvancy and some technology to manipulate the humen to think as we are of and beeing observerd for fuel. In the film metrix the humens are controled by the artificial Intelegence and A high end type one civilisation is formed but the idea is to the system is system needs fuel to service.

Like the same story metrix reloded. people who act as gost and supernatural do may have some technology that help them to make humens as fuels . As an envionmentalist I have a story to tell that a Phython how was In the Forest some how went to the nerest village to collect food cause there was no food for some time , And captured with bloody hands. The Peasants do wish to have the Phython live but use it as fule some how. They cut open the python and collect the fat to have as fule. The gost that i told you Is some how using us as a fuel. In the modern wold it can be said as a metrix error.

Metrix fule or gost fule is not a mith in the world to be more precise in the villages where pythons live. A strong force that is binding them to be gost is the force that is given by the extraterastrials how wish to study them from there view. The gost fual is of Python and not of any Gost here.

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