Monday, 27 November 2023

Gost fual

Gost fual

The knoledge we have is little , from the ainciant alian scrice we got some information about what alians are and how are ghost from the fairy tails. If both are the same and all the gost story is made to make a fear to have the resource. The Ghost in all film eats and drink humens that is not of Alian orgin cause the civilisation do speak and do sex. In the spacial cause the extratreastrials have an Infulvancy and some technology to manipulate the humen to think as we are of and beeing observerd for fuel. In the film metrix the humens are controled by the artificial Intelegence and A high end type one civilisation is formed but the idea is to the system is system needs fuel to service.

Like the same story metrix reloded. people who act as gost and supernatural do may have some technology that help them to make humens as fuels . As an envionmentalist I have a story to tell that a Phython how was In the Forest some how went to the nerest village to collect food cause there was no food for some time , And captured with bloody hands. The Peasants do wish to have the Phython live but use it as fule some how. They cut open the python and collect the fat to have as fule. The gost that i told you Is some how using us as a fuel. In the modern wold it can be said as a metrix error.

Metrix fule or gost fule is not a mith in the world to be more precise in the villages where pythons live. A strong force that is binding them to be gost is the force that is given by the extraterastrials how wish to study them from there view. The gost fual is of Python and not of any Gost here.

Sunday, 19 November 2023


Girl in a jacket
The grear whale is the theame of the noval of Herman Melville. One who not have any job in the shore try to travel as a crue in a ship to find the great white whale. To kill the whale cut the head and drag the whale in the Astern side of the ship. It was for collecting the Oil of the whale. AD 1671 one travel to the Greenland to find Fish oil [Whale Oil]. Caption carlos was the brain of the ship. If we compair the wheale with land animels it is very large [blacksmith's comment]. Moral men watching the ship from china thinks Meditation and water are wedded forever. Travel as not a cook, but as a crue. Act of paying is (beeing payed) make the crue. The Traveler was a Christian, but not a belever. [] Moral men watching the ship from china thinks Meditation and water are wedded forever. Travel as not a cook, but as a crue. Act of paying is (beeing payed) make the crue. The Traveler was a Christian, but not a belever. [Int]Girl in a jacket The ship start its journey. Little mass got anchored and hero went to go for a showting. Clamer cad "a clam will be served for the poor" is the supper by the house of the anchoring nation. chouter for the entire day, fishy flavour in every product resembles that they are very poor.

Paleolithic age

The paleolithic age or Old stone age started nearly around five lack year before christ and to ten thousand years before the birth of christ. It was the age that no men do have knowledge of cultivation of crops and Housebuilding. The palieolithic age can be again classified into upper, middle and lower paleolithic age. The first paleolithic age do starts in the five lack BC and ends in the five thousand BC. Middle paleolithic age only last ten thousand years and upper paleolithic age is in between four thousand and ten thousand BC. They where hunders and food gatherers. They do have a nomadic life and they as we speack travel to distent lands and Agriculture was not in Trace in the era. It was in and after the time of Ice age and wild fire, people use to live with the help of roots and frutes of trees. In the lower or ** paleolithic age people are the thir stage of hominid evolution. they are called as Neanderthal like palaenthropic men. The advancement in the middle paleolithic age is men do bury after death was painted. Osteodontokeratic culture was the advancement and charecter in the upper paleolithic age. Tools have been found from Chhotanagpur, Kurnool, Andrapradash. This autofacts are off one lack years old. Stone tools are near


A softwere solution company employee geting marraged and the first night was interepted cause of some nancy behaviour of them both. They marraged and first of all they went to diferent places. The softwear company complaints that there is some problem in the softwear to resolve it the hero went to office but he was attacked by some unnatural force. The radio was also complaint and said to go to house. He also do hear some sound from his head. He follows the Instructions of sound. After he went to the terrace the sound says to jump from the Terrace but his friend rescued from the Insident. The sound says "how are your and you lision to the word that i say, watch the TV". He went to home after an Accedent in a car his friend passes away. He went to ravis home, After he was way to home he jump cause of the same sound. He pick a bus and people wactch him in some way. The bus was stoped by the car. He escaped again from that and move to A place nere the Temple some sort of Prayer was there. He went to different places and Found in a place in a spacific situation that his wife give money and relese from the case that was a misunderstanding that a women Run away and said to him as he attacked her. He went to a phycatrist , and beeing hipnotised by his he pass through the Imotional way to think about the history. He was in Thanjavoor and he was dieing. He give some medicine and he went with his father, He wash his face from the railway station and try to find a name that stuck in his brain. He went to library and find some data about the history about his and his family. He hear the sound again and again to kill Jayalakshmi, He hospitalised and his wife came to have some food but he denied. After relesing from the hospital he went to relax for some time. The softwear programme was hijaked but no use for the Gang that hijacked the computer. He poisoned by the Gang and Escaped in a filmatic drama and went to solve the Issue. He almost kill them and try to find his wife. He behive like mad and Think that he needs to kill wife Jayalakshmi. He was attacked by the spirit of Sharma. Thats why he try to kill his own wife.The truth reveled that he do have a baby and They live there life.

National Treasure

The National Treasure is an american based Treasure hund film. The total budget is one hundread million. Ben was in the family of Tresure hunders. When he was a child he go to the basement and found a book about the treasure. But his grandfather came and found him. "Knighttemplers" where gang how holds the treasure [ Protects ]. Tomasgates do have some Idea about the treasure. Some clue is here to find the treasure one is in the one doller bill. Your are a knight says the grand father of the child and show him the one doller bill. He went to the Pole of the earth and found a Ship. In the ship he do got a Pipe to smoke and it is made in america with dark pipe and white hukka holder with some inscreptions on the pipe. Inscription is of Amarica. The Inscription is something like the 'Declaration of Indipendance'. The incharge of the musium is abagirl. Some one is going to hijack the declaration of indipendance says the hero, Hero went to the declaration of indipendance and try to convice the co worker to steal and explains why we need to steel.[nt]Ben and his co worker find a way to take out and analyse the declaration of indipendance. They go through the service bay and go through the maintainance room of the Muscium. With the help of a lazer they brack the circule to swish the security system. Take the Portrate from the canvas and after a gun fire from the security they escape thorough the Workers exit. Aboagirl the front office staff from the muscium attack to release the declaraton but get in the trick. They find the map and decript the message to find where the treasure. finlay they find the location and thay went to the palce. The lift give the way to the trasure. British people where here to find the treasure but didnt get any. The pipe They have leads to the way to the trasure and ben do have a pipe and he put it in the palce to the dore as a key. They found the treasure, contains a fire palce when they find a fire the entire room became a palce with coins and scruptures.

Bose baby

Black birds singing in the ........ story starts with a new child born in the house of Tim the Jounior. It was a boy and Tim wounders where the babys come from, Automatic system sort and give napkins to each baby they rair and finaly after the hospital mother of tim went to home with the bose babby. He do have an Office like eveny bose baby do have. Tim do have an Overactive Imagination. He do remember the baby was delivered in a Taxi. He do attack the colling bell, He do have a Sute. The house was a mess after the arrival of the bose baby. Dipper , bottle was the manthra in the house Tim investigate In the night about the baby. At night bose baby do have a meating that is About most of Love of perance do taken by the dogs and they come in different modals. Black birds singing in the dead of night the songs lock Tim in a room cause of quarrel with baby. The baby says that he is not the baby jesus but the middle management of the company. he tell time to suck the duplicate milk box to go to a halusination. he manage to convince Tim that all the love is gone to the Dog than that of humen child. he love to improve the quality of child . When he went to Puppy co , he find a new puppy that nerver grows. collosial baby try to steel the bose babys secreat formula. Collocial baby take teh parance of Tim and take them to a day care hwo is male but pretend to be female to steel the data from the bose baby. Tims parents [bose baby] went to lasvagus. for new puppy delivery. They manage to escape from the day care and went to airport to report About the formula that make people young, to stop the ever young puppy. "You run the day or the day runs you" bose baby says. They find a way to go to the las vagus and find mom and dad. Beating the puppy corp they went to the baby corp and finaly when bose baby find a way to go to baby cop , He find a solution to the baby cop. He went to the corner office he wish for long time. The end with family that he manage to escape the office and to the family.

Basic computer knowledge

Basic computer knowledge includes how to use a computer and how it works. It can help you complete everyday tasks and be more productive ...