Saturday, 7 January 2023

E-commerce a win win

 E-commerce is basically a online trading platform that can trade goods and services. A company that is far far away in the land can help people in the village. The institution will be in the city and can give basic facility online. It has to be a win win cause of the city is congested and raw material is also available in the city. If we need a clock we can buy it form the local market but a Pendulum clock may not. The clock is rare and we cant make it bulk. E- commerce is a platform where the people can store goods and service in the website and sell it if needed. There are some drawback of the system like product will not be return if not good. Some company like Amazon and flip cart will have some option but the idea to return is not as simple as offline market. Another is about the quality and fitness of the equipment they we buy. the quality cannot be estimated in the online shop only the credibility of the company is the way to find the quality of the material. We will buy a watch that will not fit for our hand on online not in offline is another way of telling the product is not fit for me. 

 E-commerce is started after the Invention of computer and internet but before that the Internet was not there and people go to one market to another and to another for the product. The network that is not used anymore is the local market. E-commerce is the idea to have a win win situation for the local market and the International market. The local market can make a product and sell it in the Online market aka E-commerce site. Money can be given online and two options are there for sending the money one is to send to site and another is to send through bank. 

 Before the Invention of Internet the civilization was only do transaction with goods each other and after the invention of money and internet people try to communicate with money and goods E-commerce if go forward we can have the barter system in the internet also.In India people think about e commerce only after the local marker most of the local markets are controlled by the Associations in the area. Flip cart is one of the Impotent Institution in the E commerce. Associated with the local market. Flip cart only sell product of other local stores but not its on product.

Impact of politics on socity

Impact of politics on society, The word polity is a group of people and how to manage the people. Society is a mechanism that a group of people live in harmony. the influence of the polity will help the society to grow and make now inventions in the field of development. In the state of kerala the people are communist. Most of the time communist win the election and people celebrates. The idea of making people think is basically political perception and making people pensive of the current situation is very important. Evan if the communist is in the state kerala congress is a leading party in the state. Congress was introduced in the mind of people after the ems and the main reason was the corruption not any think of the people. The british government was here for the people but the foreign people was the looters of wealth of the people. They make pact with the Spain, Italy and Denmark. More politicians came to the land and Indipendant movement make the communist to come to throne. 

                                             People group together to communicate the Issue of British government and there loots in the state and make a mass movement near punnapara vayalar. The incident kill the British government in the state. Delhi and Thripura are also the example of the communist government. Communism literally here became a bloody revolt in the spacial case all the examples are come to throne only by the blood shed. Instead the congress was not like therm they made pact with the British government like puna pact and so many other pacts. In the Indian view the polity Influence the color they chose to make the shirt . Impact of the British is Different They made road and rail for the people But the Idea was against the Islam and they struck back with all force and made it clear that the Idea british here making is divide and rule. Killing the Indian economy is the main agada of the British . They drain the wealth to the Kingdom of Britain and made the public believe that they rule them in a strategic manner. 

In the world people are influenced by the idea of democracy and work on the same Instead of military rule and kingship. Society was feudal after the death of the kingship and people are gathered together to make new law. Parliament was a French Idea and it was Greece first introduced the democracy. Politics can Influence the society in different ways In the world the king was the monarch and people was worshiping him as a god. Society was not about land but people. People of the land was the main Aim of that time but After the Introduction of democracy people think like we need land. The land reformation of the communist government is the one of the main movement in the Political Influence of society. BJP also have ram temple to race in the time of election. Instead congress will influence the people with the legacy of mahatma Gandhi.


Thursday, 5 January 2023



Fin fish

There are basically two type of fishes. Thay are Fin fish and Shellfish. Fin fish is a fish that is a bony fish, such as a salmon, sadain Sardinella longiceps or a cartilaginous fish, such as a shark and southern stingray (Hypanus americanus) especially in contrast to a shellfish or other aquatic animal. Any fish Other than flat fish is technically fin fish. Fish that do have fin, Fin is a thin component or appendage attached to a larger body or structure. There are dorsel fin, Ventral fin Anal fin, Lateral fin, Adipose fin,Caudal fin and Oral fin.

facts about the fin fish

In the sea the dorsal fin is on the top of the fish and it can be identified on the top of the fishy body. Fin rays is part of fin and it is projections form the dorsal fin it can bleed if touched. A line in the center of the fish is lateral line, Ventral fin It is below the fish and can only see if we take out the fish or in an Aquarium.

Some Extras

Fin fish aquaculture has been suggested as a vector for introducing non native and potentially invasive species. (Naylor, Williams, & Strong, 2001). Vivekanand Bharti,CMFRI Fin fish can be defined as cold-blooded aquatic craniate vertebrate with fins for locomotion and gill for respiration. About 33,218 species of fin fish has been identified in the world at present time. It may live in freshwater, brackish water and marine water. The skeleton of finfish is made up of either bone (called bony finfish) or cartilaginous (called cartilaginous finfish).


External morphology of fin fish can be used for the Identification of the species. shape of body and parts mouth location and size tail shape and color. meristic characters are counting of spine ray etc in fin or other part of body.

meristic characters

It can be divided into two parts part one is head and it consist of Snout. Lips, Mouth, Jaws, Teeth, Barbels, Norstril, Eyes, Opreculum and gills. in the part two Body includes fins, Lateral line ,Skin and Scales.

There are four type of mouths they are Terminal mouth superior mouth, Inferior mouth and Protrusible mouth. There are six type of Caudal fins they are round fin, forked fin, indented fin, square fin, lunate fin, pointed fin. Fish also have finlets to make the body more aquatic. Body shapes are Anguilliform, Taeniform, ovate, Depressiform.

Basic computer knowledge

Basic computer knowledge includes how to use a computer and how it works. It can help you complete everyday tasks and be more productive ...